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Wellness lounger with integrated “Soundmotion technology”.
Relaxed woman on lounger with emphasis on support points

IONTO-S​soundmotion technology​


Today's life demands a lot: at work and in our free time, countless impressions have to be processed in a short time, and complex tasks often have to be carried out at high speed. If tension becomes a permanent state because phases of relaxation are missing, physical exhaustion due to the constant release of stress hormones can be the first sign of possible burnout or depression.



Music can not only be heard with your ears, but also “felt” with your skin and your entire body. In particular, their bass component is perceived in the form of vibrations on the surface of the body, but also inside the body. The IONTO sound motion divides the spectrum of sounds and forwards the appropriate parts of the music to special vibration generators, which translate them into vibrations and vibration patterns, thus enabling a completely new musical experience.



The music playback of the IONTO sound motion technology via the integrated head speakers and as vibrations across all parts of the lounger leads to lasting relaxation and regeneration of the body. Sound and sound waves have a deeply relaxing effect on the muscles, autonomic nervous system and breathing. The head speakers can be dimmed so that the music is only heard by the person being treated.

Like “body ears,” tactile bodies in the skin register deep frequencies directly as vibration sensations and pass them on unadulterated to the brain. Muscles and other tissues absorb the vibrations and are thereby relaxed. And the internal organs also begin to vibrate in their own rhythm. Hollow organs like the heart become resonance spaces.

The result: Sound and vibration perceptions merge to create an indescribable overall impression. The music really gets under your skin. This increases blood circulation and improves the flow of energy in the body. You will very quickly reach a state of deep relaxation. There are now few similarly effective treatments. 

The deeper stimulation of the skin and internal organs not only reduces the release of stress hormones. The concentration of oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone”, is also increased. Because of its effect on the dopamine balance, this increases well-being and contributes to sustainable regeneration, especially when used multiple times.

Repeated applications with IONTO sound motion technology produce effects that strengthen people's health in the long term, including depression prevention. In contrast to the usual focus on diseases, the research field of salutogenesis examines factors that promote becoming and staying healthy. The term resilience also plays a role, which describes the body's resistance - or more precisely, its ability to process disruptions. Because it is this specific ability to restore the original potential after a stress that enables us to withstand a variety of challenges. 



The return to balance can be trained, for example through meditation or through treatments with IONTO sound motion. The body not only passively experiences how it is led from the dead end of overstress back to a state of harmony, but it also learns that and how this can be achieved. In the future, it will be easier to reflect on your own resources and strengths in times of great stress and to feel them physically.



Since stress weakens the immune system and is a cause of depression, “body hearing” on the IONTO-Soudmotion prevents long-term health problems. If stress levels can be reduced, the immune system can better fulfill its actual task of countering threats from pathogens. And the soul retains its cosmopolitanism and ability to express itself. The immediate relaxation on the lounger, the improvement of body awareness, the harmonization of the autonomic nervous system, the reduction of the level of stress hormones and the increased release of oxytocin -all these effects of the IONTO sound motion work towards increased long-term physical and mental health.   

GlowSolution Reverse Needling Anti-Aging Treatment Reverse Needling NISV free



 * “Glass skin” effect


* "De-Puff" effect

* Smoothing fine wrinkles and lines




*SMAS- superficial musculoaponeurotic system

      (“facial fascia”)

Experience the new generation of hydroderm treatment​

GlowSolution is a treatment method designed to create instantly plumper, radiant skin - free of unwanted side effects and downtime. In 4 revolutionary treatment steps, GlowSolution combines the power of high-end technology Made in Germany with the effect of functional preparation liquids (Solutions) to create the feeling of a spa treatment.


Brand new, globally unique glow needling with DIP technology (Dynamic Intact Perforation)

Reverse needling revolutionizes microneedling by circumventing the so-called “umbrella effect” and permanently supplying active ingredients via a tube system! The world's first patent-pending product ensures smoother skin and a "de-puff" effect in just a few minutes, without any downtime!

The DIP technology avoids the skin giving way and automatically creates the optimal perforation angle. The active ingredient liquid is automatically fed into the handpiece via a hose system and permanently incorporated. 




          ​  4 STEPS, MAXIMUM 60 MINUTES:

1.GlowPurify:Deep cleaning: The gentle, thorough cleaning 

with Cleansing Solution. 


2. GlowPolish:Refine & Clear: An unprecedented intensive polishing with peeling solution.


3.Reverse needling: Brand new, unique in the world Glow needling with DIP technology (Dynamic Intact Perforation) and automatic, permanent supply of active ingredients from the needling handpiece.


4.GlowPush Up:Dynamic pulse massage: Innovative, liquid-based tissue and SMAS massage in two steps.


The new galvanic treatment for deep regeneration and massage of the skin.

Thanks to their extremely high conductivity, GALVANETICS press active ingredients into the tissue and massage the skin at the same time.

Thanks to their biocompatible treatment surface (medically tested), they are suitable for even the most sensitive skin. Two GALVANETICS are used together with a product (BIO-CELLULOSE MASK) for deep penetration.

After the product has been gently introduced into the deeper layers of the skin, the active ingredients remain in the skin as a depot. They develop a long-lasting effect while breaking down slowly and nourishing the skin from within!

BIO-Cellulose Mask

The IONTO-COMED treatment concept uses cellulose, a natural substance that has extraordinary and extremely innovative properties.

The BIO-CELLULOSE MASK is a true moisture reservoir. Thanks to its extremely fine fibers and unique mesh structure, it not only stores moisture for a very long time, it also releases serum and active ingredients constantly and evenly to the skin.

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